
OPEN is supported and managed by an infrastructure and group of leaders that are responsible for cultivating and engaging current members, and for bringing in new members. This is accomplished through a range of activities such as: keeping members informed and asking for their input around network activities and progress; weaving existing members together, including hosting networking forums; providing technical assistance and resources; and responding to emergent needs.

Meet the Members

  • National Oral Health Connection Team
  • Regional Oral Health Connection Teams
  • Lever Team Leads
  • Network Response Team Leads


The National Oral Health Connection Team (NOHCT)

This group of 21 members (seven each from community, state, and national levels) guides and weaves the Network by Interacting, listening, and communicating the interests of the Network in on-going projects, policies, and positions intended to change systems so that everyone has an equitable chance to thrive.

Lever Teams

Supported by three leads—one each from community, state, and national levels — for each of the five OPEN Blueprint
 levers. Leads operationalize lever action steps,
 design a learning agenda framework, and 
 develop an implementation and coordination plan for Lever Teams to carry out. The levers are: Amplify Consumer Voices, Advance Oral Health Policy, Integrate Dental and Medical, Emphasize Prevention, and Bring Care to the People.

Regional Oral Health Connection Teams (ROHCT)

These teams “hold the center” of their region ­—meaning they ensure shared best practices, implement team learning agendas, and communicate state accomplishments and challenges.

Network Response Teams (NRTs)

These teams function as action and/or learning communities around topics of interest to OPEN  and the oral health community. NRTs include:

  • Action for Medicare Dental Learning Collaborative
  • Disabilities & Universal Inclusion

  • Health Equity Super NRT

  • Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits Learning Collaborative
  • Policy

  • Rural